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Upcoming Events

e-Conversations on D4Ag interest topics, series 2


STARTED 26 JUNE 2023 - ongoing

After the success of the 1st series of e-conversations, which took place over the period February-May 2023, the Digital Agri Hub conducted a survey among the members of the D4Ag dgroup to identify topics related to digitalization for agriculture of priority interest. The topics addressed in the course of this second series of e-conversations reflect the results of the survey.

This new series aims to delve into the priority areas highlighted by the D4Ag community, providing a platform for in-depth discussions and sharing of experiences. By exploring these specific topics, participants will gain insights into the challenges and opportunities surrounding digitalization in agriculture and foster innovative solutions.

The discussion will be maintained on the DGROUPS platform:


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Past Events

e-Conversations on D4Ag interest topics, series 2

STARTED 26 JUNE 2023 - ongoing

STARTED 26 JUNE 2023 - ongoing

After the success of the 1st series of e-conversations, which took place over the period February-May 2023, the Digital Agri Hub conducted a survey among the members of the D4Ag dgroup to identify topics related to digitalization for agriculture of priority interest. The topics addressed in the course of this second series of e-conversations reflect the results of the survey.

This new series aims to delve into the priority areas highlighted by the D4Ag community, providing a platform for in-depth discussions and sharing of experiences. By exploring these specific topics, participants will gain insights into the challenges and opportunities surrounding digitalization in agriculture and foster innovative solutions.

The discussion will be maintained on the DGROUPS platform:
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e-Conversations on D4Ag interest topics, series 2


STARTED 26 JUNE 2023 - ongoing

After the success of the 1st series of e-conversations, which took place over the period February-May 2023, the Digital Agri Hub conducted a survey among the members of the D4Ag dgroup to identify topics related to digitalization for agriculture of priority interest. The topics addressed in the course of this second series of e-conversations reflect the results of the survey.

This new series aims to delve into the priority areas highlighted by the D4Ag community, providing a platform for in-depth discussions and sharing of experiences. By exploring these specific topics, participants will gain insights into the challenges and opportunities surrounding digitalization in agriculture and foster innovative solutions.

The discussion will be maintained on the DGROUPS platform:
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e-Conversations on D4Ag interest topics, series 2


STARTED 26 JUNE 2023 - ongoing

After the success of the 1st series of e-conversations, which took place over the period February-May 2023, the Digital Agri Hub conducted a survey among the members of the D4Ag dgroup to identify topics related to digitalization for agriculture of priority interest. The topics addressed in the course of this second series of e-conversations reflect the results of the survey.

This new series aims to delve into the priority areas highlighted by the D4Ag community, providing a platform for in-depth discussions and sharing of experiences. By exploring these specific topics, participants will gain insights into the challenges and opportunities surrounding digitalization in agriculture and foster innovative solutions.

The discussion will be maintained on the DGROUPS platform:
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1st series of e-conversations: D4Ag clichés (and how to break them)


27 February - 04 May 2023

Digital innovations play a crucial enabling role in transforming agriculture and food systems in low- and middle-income countries. With the rise in the use of digital agriculture tools, it was imperative to also be more aware of the limitations of digital solutions and the entire D4Ag 'ecosystem'.

The importance of sparking conversations on certain 'stereotypes', backed by experiences shared by the D4Ag community, was recognized. Therefore, starting on 27 February 2023, the Digital Agri Hub launched and curated 4 e-conversations around potential clichés in this domain. The exchanges aimed to lead to a more objective, prudent, and realistic attitude on how to approach and present digitalization for small-scale producers in low- and middle-income countries. It also opened new avenues for solving issues that were at the basis of these possible stereotypes.


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Digital Agri Hub @ Digital Agriculture Week

19 MAY 2022,  14:00-15:00 (CST, SAN JOSÉ, COSTA RICA), 22:00-23:00 (CEST, AMSTERDAM, NL)

The Digital Agriculture Week is an important event organized by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) as part of its activities to promote digital agriculture. The event is ongoing and will end on May 19. So far, it proved to be a prime venue where key players have shared ideas and actions aimed at promoting the digital transformation of agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean. A selection of Digitalisation for Agriculture (D4Ag) start-ups, public and private multilateral organizations, policymakers from LAC and leaders in the field are among the key participants.  

The Digital Agri Hub has been invited to contribute to the Week. In the panel discussion on Thursday the 19th of May, together with experts in the sector we will be exchange ideas about the state of the D4Ag sector, and we will introduce the Hub, and its D4Ag solution dashboard. We will also launch the Spanish-speaking chapter of the D4Ag online community at  

Join our talk on Thursday the 19th of May 14:00-15:00 (CST, San José, Costa Rica) 22:00-23:00 (CEST, Amsterdam, NL) 

To participate there is no need to register, just join us via IICA’s social media  on Facebook (Spanish) or  Youtube (English): (Spanish) or (English) or  directly via zoom (wit access code: 4F45ib)

Digitalisation for Agriculture in Asia


12 AVRIL 2022, 16:00-18:00 JST, 09:00 - 11:00 CEST

Le thème principal de l'événement portera sur les politiques permettant la mise à l'échelle de la numérisation pour l'agriculture (D4AG) en Asie. L'événement fera l’état des lieux et explorera le potentiel de mise à l'échelle des solutions numériques pour l'agriculture dans les pays francophones. Ce sera également l´occasion de rencontrer les fournisseurs de solutions sur lesquels le Hub collecte, sélectionne et diffuse des informations, et d'en savoir plus sur les fournisseurs de solutions de la région.

L'événement est co-organisé par le Digital Agri Hub et le   Asian Development Bank Institute et facilité par la Fondation Dgroups. L'événement se déroulera en français.
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Lancement régional du Digital Agri Hub

Renforcement de l'intérêt pour la numérisation de l'agriculture au sein des régions francophones

 24 février 2022 - 15:00-17:00 WAT-CET

L'événement fera l’état des lieux et explorera le potentiel de mise à l'échelle des solutions numériques pour l'agriculture dans les pays francophones. Ce sera également l´occasion de rencontrer les fournisseurs de solutions sur lesquels le Hub collecte, sélectionne et diffuse des informations, et d'en savoir plus sur les fournisseurs de solutions de la région.

L'événement sera entièrement en ligne et se déroulera en français, avec une interprétation en  direct en anglais. Il est coorganisé par le Digital Agri Hub et Enabel et facilité par la Fondation Dgroups.
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Digital Agri Hub Webinar Series: Investing in D4Ag

25 January 2022 - CET 14:00, GMT 13:00

This event is the first of a series of webinars organised by the Digital Agri Hub targeted at accelerating private sector investments in D4Ag solutions for small-scale producers in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs). This will steer peer to peer conversations amongst seasoned impact investors to analyse the current landscape, the financing gaps and the solutions needed to accelerate investments with a deep-dive into opportunities offered by investing in Digital Climate Advisory Services and Smart Farming.

The event targets impact investors, intermediaries, governments and any other organisations that have an interest in Digital Agriculture in LMIC. The event will be interactive and time will be reserved for questions to the panellists!

Recordings of the webinar and break-out sessions are now available on the Digital Agri Hub channel on YouTube
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Launch Event - Digital Agri Hub for Latin America & the Caribbean

18 January 2022 - Guatemala and Honduras 09:00, Peru 10:00, Bolivia 11:00, CET 16:00

In this event we will explore with key stakeholders the present state and the potential of digitalisation for agriculture (D4AG) in LAC, with a special attention to small-scale producers and their organisations (producers organisations, cooperatives, etc.). We will present the activities of the Digital Agri Hub, including the dashboard, which allows to select and visualise digital solutions for agriculture developed for LAC. We will also present experiences from the project AGRIdigitalización, and showcase the work of a number of D4AG service providers operating in LAC. There will be opportunities for all participants to interact with the speakers and give feedback.

This event is co-organized by Digital Agri Hub and Agriterra. 
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